Tuesday -
Tuesday we woke up and got ready and went at 9 in the morning to go do
service at a members house, they're less active and we went and helped
them clean up their yard. It was a beautiful bright sunny morning and
perfect temperature. They live in Lakeville which is just 10 minutes
away from Bremen. After that we went to a ladies house, a referral they
gave us and we offered service to her. She just had surgery, and had
nothing for us to do so we taught her a lesson. We taught her the
Restoration and committed her to Baptism! She said she wants to be
baptized but we think we might need to ask her again when she's not on
pain pills to make sure she's accountable. She then gave us a referral
for her uncle who has congestive heart failure and said we could do
service for him! We went to his house, he can barely move his arm, and
we talked to him. He liked us. A lot of people go to his house and try
and do work for him and want money and she told us to make it very clear
that we're free and it's service so we did and we had a good talk with
him and then found out he knows someone in our ward very well (Brother
Timm). It was a great day. We then went and changed into our nice
clothes and went to Argos, a small farmtown 15 minutes away, and we went
there to have dinner with the Hindsdales, who are members. It was
great. We then drove back to Bremen and went to Sister Padilla's to
check on their family. After that we went to Marty Yeagers house and
talked to him a lot. He is an investigator and we had a good discussion
with him, all 4 of us did, Me Elder Morgan Elder Eschler and Elder
Benson. The Culver Elders stayed with us again that night.
- Wednesday we woke up, got ready and went and through the Rugby ball
some more in the field across from our apartment while we were waiting
for Brother Harrington to pick us up. He picked us up and we dropped the
Culver Elders off at their car in Plymouth and then we went with
Brother Harrington to go track down some less active, in-active people
that they haven't seen in years. It's on a home teaching list that got
thrown together of people that live all over these 5 counties we cover.
This is what our day consisted of, Hunting. I felt like the FBI trying
to find people, that's how hard we were looking for them. We'd knock on a
door and if they didn't answer Brother Harrington would walk in there
house with me and he'd yell "Anybody home?! Anybody home?!" It was fun.
And then we'd go to there neighbors and say "When was the last time you
saw this person?" and then we went to the Town Hall and got information
and we went into gas stations where this person was last seen by Elder
Eschler and Brother Bollman and we'd ask if they worked there. And we
went to this Old Folks Home to try and find this person and called
people to find out and called people in other wards, a lady in Warsaw
that we were told knew information about this person we were looking
for. IT WAS FUN! He has this big truck and we just and we just drove all
day and tried finding people and he bought us lunch and he called it
"Real missionary work" At 3 he dropped us off and we went out to
Tippecanoe (a town) to go have dinner with members. It was fun and the
members names are the Furnivalls and they are so nice. After we had
dinner with them we drove back to the church and had correlation meeting
with Brother Bollman the ward missionary leader, and then we went back
to Culver and stayed the night so that Brother Harrington could pick us
up and we could go find some people again. We were with him all day and
it was fun. We went to places like Bass Lake, Walkerton, North Judson,
Winamac, Knox, if you want to look up where they are and what they look
like. While we were out with him we stopped at this Tackle and Bait Fish
shop and got drinks and we got talking to this guy, he is paralyzed, he
was a paratrooper and Brother Harrington had never met him before but
they both grew up in North Dakota and had similar families and this guy
lived in Mesa Arizona and has a lot of Mormon friends and he said
"They've been trying to convert me since 1997, and they can't" but we're
going to :)
Thursday - We were with Brother Harrington all
day and then he dropped us off at our Ward mission leaders house(Brother
Bollman) for dinner and then Brother Harrington picked us back up and
took us to Bremen. We stayed the night in Bremen.
Friday -
Friday we woke up got ready and went to District Meeting. We had a great
District meeting and then we went to lunch. After lunch we went and
helped Dale Hartman on his farm and we did service for him, splitting
wood and cleaning up his farm. He is a recent convert. Friday night we
went back to Culver and a small miracle happened, so we missed the
dinner we were planned to have with Sister Flory(a member) but we
couldn't go since we were doing service but as we were driving back to
Culver, we got gatorades and an investigator that Culver has, she goes
to Culver Academy and is 17, she calls and said "I made food but I have a
lot more, do you guys want it" so she gave us Spaghetti squash and then
insisted that she bought us pizza too so we went to this Pizza Place on
the lake called Papa's and we went and had pizza and watched a little
bit of March Madness :) We then stayed the night in Culver so we could
ride with them in the morning to the church for splits and save miles.
Saturday - Saturday we went out all day with Brother Richhart
Senior, who coached Byu when they won the Holiday Bowl and we had a
succesful day seeing people with him. We went to his house and he fed us
a big lunch. Saturday night we said "What is something we always want
to do but never have time to do" so we went to the park with the Rugby
ball and it was a warm night and threw it around and took pictures and
then walked around Plymouth and went to a mexican store. If you don't
have anything planned to do, we are supposed to walk around at a store,
or even a neighborhood and we call it just being seen. So that's kinda
what we did Saturday night. We then drove back to Culver and slept there
again so we could wake up and drive to church with them.
- We went to church and had correlation meeting. After all that we went
to try and see some investigators but they weren't home. We had dinner
with Sister Padilla so we all drove to Bremen and had dinner at her
house. After dinner we drove back to Culver, on the drive back I hit a
raccoon and a possum within 10 seconds, both darted out in the road and
it was a huge raccoon. It was a blessing we were driving the Jeep
because the Culver Elders car is lower to the ground. That was my week
:) I love you guys so much!
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