Tuesday - Tuesday
DEEP CLEAN DAY. We had a conference call in the morning, always love
listening to President Cleveland. He just got back from a meeting in
Cincinatti, Ohio and our Branch President went too and Neil L. Andersen
was there and Elder Gong. We deep cleaned our house for 6 hours! Not
joking we got it so clean. We were supposed to have a Spring Cleaning
day a couple saturdays but we were so busy we couldn't do it and Tuesday
we had a House inspector coming and we cleaned and made it look all
nice. And we washed our car. After we cleaned we went and worked and
then came back and met our House inspector at 5 and he was really nice
and checked it for about 10 minutes and then left. We then went to
Centennial Park in Plymouth and had dinner at the park with Brother Timm
and the Culver Elders and the Plymouth Sisters. After we ate me and
Elder Eschler PC or (Personal contacted) the park and walked up and
talked to people and gave them a Mormon.org card and taught them. I
broke out a little of the Spanish I've learned and I speak it to every
spanish person I know :) Haha we were going to "Beat to teach" these
guys in basketball. We say if we win, we get to teach you, and we always
win :) And we talked to some african-american guys with dreads. We
talked to a guy and got all of his information from him so the Culver
Elders can meet with him again and he gave us 2 referrals, that are his
kids that we can go visit. After we talked and taught a lot of people in
the park we went to the library to go put the referrals in.
Wednesday - Wednesday
we did our normal morning routine and got ready and waited for the AP's
to come to our house and Culver. I love Elder Mortensen. We all went up
to Brother Richharts and went to his neighbors house and helped him
move wood logs and clean up this lady's whole backyard. She isn't a
member and we are doing service for her and then going to try and teach
her and get her to come to church with them :) It was a lot of fun they
fed us hamburgers and a big lunch! After we helped do service we went
back to our apartment, the AP'S went back to Fishers and me and Elder
Benson showered and got cleaned up. We went and worked until dinner and
we drove to Plymouth and the Johnson's (members in our ward) brought
dinner to the church. We took the dinner and went back to Culver and ate
and we stayed the night there.
Thursday - Thursday
we woke up, went on a run, we go on a run most days, and then Elder
Eschler, being the nicest kid he is, made me a huge breakfast, We got
ready and waited for Brother Timm to pick us up because he was going to
take us all over and we were going to see Less active, In actives who
have went off the grid, and investigators and members and go all around
our 5 county area but he had to cancel. So instead we did what we call
"blitzing" and we all went out to Knox, the 4 of us and knocked doors.
The Culver Elders said "it's like preaching to the Lamanites, no one
will listen" and we had great success the first 2 doors me and Elder
Benson knocked. It was a great day, but guess what happened. So me and
Elder Benson knock on the door, and this probably, 70 year old guy comes
out and starts talking to us, and he was nice, and then his wife comes
out and says "Go Away" and she says it like 3 times so I politely say
"Ok" and then she says "Come in" and starts opening the door and I
thought she was talking to her husband but she was talking to us and so
we go inside and she says "You have 10 minutes" and I say "To share a
message?" and she says "Ya" and I was thinking ok this might be pretty
good. They had 10 cans of beer on the table and liqour and cigarettes
everywhere and they were out of their minds. The wife was hugging Elder
Benson and he was just looking at me laughing and she was rubbing his
back and the husband is trying to talk to me and we stood up to leave
and they wouldn't let us leave! So we just opened the door and left
because we needed to get out of there. It was so crazy we just laughed
when we got out. After that we all rode to Plymouth and went to dinner
at the church with Sister Sherwood. After that we headed back to Bremen.
Friday - Friday
we woke up and got ready and did our morning studies and then we went
to District meeting. After District meeting we went to a mexican
restaraunt called Yolanda's and all had lunch their. We went on
exchanges so me and Elder Eschler were with each other all day. It was
great :) We went and met with a guy named Ed Barcus, who smokes, and we
taught him Plan of Salvation and tried to help him. After that We went
to Lake of the Woods, it's a fun place to work. We started visiting some
potentials and talked to them and then we went to this house that a
lady told us to go to. We went to it, a little kid answered and we said
"Are your mom and dad home?" and so they both came to the door and we
taught them the Restoration. They committed to being baptized! It was
great. We started tracting and we knocked on this door, Elder Eschler
noticed they had a lot of leaves in there front yard and we saw a rake,
so he said "Have you ever heard of rake tracting?" And i said "No" and
so we raked this yard, the people never answered and the plan was we
rake their yard until they come out, and then we teach them. And we
found out they were on vacation and we raked all these leaves to the
side of the road and then asked a neighbor if the city picks them up, he
said No haha so we had to get trash bags from him and we filled them
up. Once we filled them up we went and tracted some more and met 2 new
people and taught 1 the Restoration, who was a catholic guy and the
other said we could try by another time. We then drove back to Plymouth
and threw the leaves in the church dumpster and then we went to Bob's
and helped him bring wood inside since he was sick, He was very happy we
did that and then we went to the Ogilvies (members in our ward) and had
a great dinner at their house.
Saturday - Saturday
we got all ready and went and started visiting people. We tried
visiting a ton of people, but no one answered, we drove all the way out
to Laporte and that was good because now I know where it is. It's way
far out but our area is huge. We have a lot of work to do. We got a call
from an Investigator asking if we want to go play Barn ball with the
Amish and of course I said Yes! So after we went to Walkerton and
Laporte and visited people and tried by referrals we came back to Bremen
and changed into other clothes and went and played basketball with the
Amish! It was so fun. I asked the head Amish guy if I could take a
picture with them and he nicely said "Not of us, but you can of everyone
else". There were like 20 Amish people with the little kids sitting in
the barn watching us play. We played for 2 hours and then we went back
to the apartment and showered and got ready and went and met with a guy
who is actually an ex-amish. He lives out in the country and I took that
picture of me in that field right before we went and talked to him. We
taught him the Restoration and had a great lesson with him. We talked to
him for about an hour and a half and he was a referral from
Headquarters in Salt Lake and he has a Book of Mormon.
Sunday - Sunday
we woke up and we went to church. It was a beautiful day and had a
great time at church. I texted every contact in our phone and said
"Happy Easter! He is risen, He lives!" Or something along those lines
and we got 3 appointments with people that want to talk to us. After
church we taught some people, and tried by some people and then we went
to Culver at about 6. We had to write a progress record, and so we did
that and yesterday and today are my cheat days so I ate the Clark Bars
and cookies and drank soda haha and we watched 17 miracles and today
we're going to an Amish bakery and i'm going to try their cinnamon rolls
and milk! That was my week! I love you guys so much and I'll send you
even more pictures next week!
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