I am loving it here in Bremen! I love Plymouth and Culver as well!
Monday - On Monday we spent some time in Plymouth as a district for
Preparation day. It was a nice day so we went to the park and threw the
football! I haven't done that in a while and that was fun! We mostly
just relaxed and e-mailed and went shopping for food at Wal-Mart.
Tuesday - On Tuesday we woke up, we had a Conference Call, it's always
fun to listen to President Cleveland. He reads the Book of Mormon with
us, our whole mission and announces anything we need to know. We then
went to go do Family History at the Bremen Library. After Family History
we had lunch. After lunch, we were about to go out and see a lot of
people and we had a great day planned, but Elder Scoville was starting
to get sick. He was coughing and we had just been with Laken a few days
before who had pneomonia and on Tuesday it was snowing outside so Elder
Scoville had to stay inside. I told him if he could work, we needed to
but if he can't then he can rest and he needed rest he said. We stayed
inside ALL DAY on Tuesday and read the Book of Mormon, we read Alma
Chapters 17 through 26, it talks about Ammon and we got familiarized so
that we can teach a Member lesson called "Like Unto Ammon" to get the
Members doing missionary work.
Wednesday - On Wednesday we went to the
museum in Plymouth and did service. This time we wiped down the walls
that were dirty and mopped the entrance floor. The lady that worked
there said "Your moms would be proud!" Haha. After we did service there
we had lunch and went and saw Melody. Melody is about 60 and she goes to
another church called Plymouth Wesleyan Church. We had a great lesson
with her, we always show her Mormon messages and teach her. After that
we tracted and got some work done. That night we drove back to Bremen,
the Sisters came with us to meet some investigators, Sabina and David,
so we could go with them to an Agape Feast. I guess Agape means "love"
and they go to this church called "The First Church of the Brethren".
There soup was good, they didn't go wrong in there cooking, they're
church just went wrong haha. They had a soup feast and they made me
Cream of Broccoli soup and then they had all other kinds of soup other
people, it was good to be there and talk to people and tell them we're
Mormon missionaries and the people were nice and David and Sabina are
nice. David actually set us up to be able to go play "Barn Ball" with
the Amish. So me and my new companion will probably go play basketball
with the Amish in one of there barns so I'll keep you updated on that!
I'm learning a lot of things about the Amish, they cheat! There is this
thing called "Haul an Amish" around an the Amish pay people to drive
them in cars! They also use vacuum sweepers, the Ward mission leader had
sold them a lot of vacuum sweepers. They use generators instead of
electricity and I see them shopping. They use telephones, that's how I'm
gonna be able to get a hold of this Amish guy to play basketball, his
name is Tobias Yoder. They have lights on the back of there buggies. Oh
man they cheat haha.
Thursday - On Thursday it was snowing, we went out
to this place called Lake of the Woods, it's about 5-7 minutes away from
Bremen and there's a lot of Lake Houses there. We got a lot of work
done there. We knocked the doors and tracted a part of it, we talked to a
catholic man named Adan and offered to shovel is driveway. He didn't
want to change, the Catholic are hard to change even if they know are
church is true and I'll tell you more things that you'll think are
interesting in a minute. But we left him with a Restoration pamphlet. He
asked us if we belong to the Pope and we said "No Thomas S. Monson is
our prophet". We kept tracting and met a lady named Barbara and taught
her the Restoration and had a good lesson with her. We then talked to a
man named Robert. Robert lives on a street called "O" wee bit of
Holland. He lives in an all blue house and he has a "man cave" garage
that's all blue. We knocked on his door, he came to the door, we taught
him the Restoration, we had a lot of very good Restoration lessons with
people, he told us his Brother in law and sister are Mormon and they
live in St. George. We offered to do service for him whenever he needs
it and he said he will in the spring. We offered him a Book of Mormon
and he said "Well, I'm Catholic" so next time we go back we'll be sure
to get a Book of Mormon in his hands because he's not gonna be catholic
for long :) After we talked to him we were walking down the road and a
lady was walking her dog and getting mail out of her mailbox, we caught
up to her and we talked to her and had a Restoration lesson with her,
she said she's catholic and even if she knew our church was true, she
wouldn't convert because she was born catholic and her whole family is
catholic. We gave her a Restoration pamphlet. We then knocked on a door,
she tols us to go to. The guy couldn't talk though he was babysitting a
lot of kids. We started knocking these apartment complexes and a small
miracle happened. One of those timing things. As we were knocking, these
two guys came walking down the stairs. I waved to them and said "How's
it going?" One of them said "Are you Mormons?" we said Yes and started
walking over to them. 1 of them was the landlord of the complex and the
other was looking for an apartment. The one looking for an apartment
said he's seen us a lot, he lived in Kentucky and would always see
missionaries walking around in suits. The landlord kept saying we gotta
go we're in the middle of a work day and I offered him a card, he said
No it's alright but the other guy said "I'll take one" and we gave him
one and he has our number. The landlord did tell us about a family that
just moved into his apartment complex so we went and knocked on her
door. Her name is Stephanie and we taught her the Restoration and gave
her a Book of Mormon. We then went back to Bremen and started tracting
the main road in Bremen. I have to go I will tell you about Friday
Saturday and Sunday next Monday. I love you guys so much and miss you so
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