So Monday
we went to the South Bend Stake Center and played basketball all day
and volleyball and that was fun. We rode with the Sisters from Plymouth
to save miles and so while me and Elder Benson were in the back seat, we
found these bay leaves that Sister Ogilvie gave them, you're supposed
to put them in soup to add flavor, but they looked healthy to me so I
started to eat them. They tasted good at first so I put another leaf in
my mouth, and then as we're sitting in the car, a man is walking and
they told us to go talk to him. So me and Elder Benson go talk to him,
while I'm munching on Bay leaves, and at this point they are tasting
BAD, but we taught him and then I got to spit out the bay leaves. We
went back to Plymouth and tried to go see a Former investigator, we
haven't been able to ever meet him, we just keep meeting people that
live at his house.
Tuesday -Tuesday
we had a conference call in the morning, and then around 10 o clock we
went out and started working. We stopped by a less active/in active
member and we tracted. As we were driving we saw an elderly lady outside
picking up sticks in her yard, so we got out and helped her, and she
was so grateful and we taught her as well. We tracted a lot and visited
an investigator named Austin. Austin is an 18 year old kid that we
found, me committed to baptism, and wanted a Book of Mormon, and wanted
to come to church, but then found out our church doesn't serve a
breakfast so he changed his mind and decided to go to his church. We
went back and taught him the Book of Mormon, and explained it to him and
he said "Yeah my pastor talks about this Book, but doesn't reads from
it, and there is something he's missing, and this is it!" (As he holds
the Book of Mormon in front of him staring at it) It was great. After
working all day we went to the Reed's and had dinner at 7. They always
make so much food so I get to eat a lot, We had tacos and churros for
dessert. What they do is, with all the leftover Flour tortillas, they
rub melted butter on them, sprinkle cinnamon sugar on them, and rolled
them up. They were good I even ate them. It was a good night with them,
they just got back from a cruise and so they showed us pictures of it.
Wednesday - Wednesday
we did our morning routine and then we went to the Bremen Library,
because our Stake was asked by Randall K Bennett of the 70 to read
Handbook 2 Section 1-5 before Stake Conference. So me and Elder Benson
did that, and Family History. We worked all day and tried by people and
then we went to Plymouth. We worked some more down there and talked to
Debby Auilt and there family. We always talk to them outside, because I
guess they have bed bugs inside, and they sit outside and smoke all day,
and drink coffee and we're teaching them. Debbie has part of her leg
cut off, and is in a wheelchair, but she's been to church a couple times
and we're going to get her to church this week. Her husband Fred is a
chain smoker. We are slowly helping her progress to baptism and we are
going to help her quit drinking coffee sometime soon. Later that night,
we got a text from Bob Schultz(been investigating for 35 years) and he
told us to come to his house, because a missionary from 11 years ago was
there. So we went over and met him and talked to him, and it turns out
he served in Martinsville and knows the same people I know. We then went
to the church and took him to see the new church building in Plymouth,
it wasn't here when he was here, and while he was there we told the
other Elders he was an investigator, and we told him to act like a
Golden Investigator. Haha it was funny they started giving him a church
tour. That night we slept at the Culver Elders place so we could wake up
and help a member move the next day.
Thursday - Thursday
we woke up, at 12 Brother Picked us up and we helped him move till 6 o
clock that night. We were glad to help him because there was no way he
was going to be able to do it. We did our Weekly Planning later that
night and watched Work and the Glory and stayed in Culver again so we
could wake up and ride with them to District Meeting.
Friday - Friday
was a fun day! We went to District meeting and Elder Heimuli and Elder
Mcleod came. We threw the football around before District meeting and
had a fun productive District meeting. After that we went to Pizza Hut
and had lunch. We were with Elder Heimuli and Elder Mcleod all day. I
love them. We found out while we were at lunch that Debby Auilt's
husband passed away. Elder Benson was thinking just a few days earlier,
how much longer is he gonna live. He had skin cancer and always smoked
and couldn't move the left side of his body, and it was hard for him to
talk. At 3 o clock we went to Dale Hartmans farm to go help him and do
service for him, plans fell through and we couldn't help him so we went
to Brother Richharts and helped him. It was a lot of fun. We then went
to dinner at the Padillas and they made the best Honduras food. It was
fried plantain, with meat and peppers and sauce, and cheese it was so
good. And then I even ate Angel Food cake, I'm eating no sugar this week
though :) But it was good because after dinner, Elder Benson needed to
go get lotion at CVS so we went on a run to Cvs to get him some. He has
red hair and freckles and can burn so easy and it's getting so hot so
he's been getting a shade hat, sunscreen, and lotion. The Culver Elders
slept at our place so they could ride with us to do service in the
morning. And we did a workout that night before we went to bed.
Saturday - Saturday
we went and helped an in-active member clean up her whole yard. We
picked up sticks and raked a ton of leaves. She was very grateful. Her
name is Bev Fordham. She got donuts and milk and I was just drinking
milk, not eating donuts and a member ( Brother Hindsdale) pretty much
force feeded me and I ate 5 donuts. Haha. We then went to the church and
changed. Very neat, uplifting spiritual experience happened today. We
went to go share condolences with Debby Auilt and her family, and share a
message about the Plan of Salvation. We pulled up and the daughter came
to our car, she was crying and asked if we'd say a prayer. 12 people
gathered around us and we shared a message and said a prayer. After we
left there we continued working and went to Tractor Supply Company to
get Elder Benson a shade hat. We tracted, visited people and then at 4,
Ben Richhart picked us up and we ran an errand with him and then we
headed to South Bend Stake Center for Adult Session of Stake Conference.
It was such a good night. 1st it was beautiful in South Bend and
Randall K Bennett talked to us, along with Elder Bahitshi. They told us
Thomas S. Monson is aware we were meeting, and everyone at church
headquarters wanted to be assigned to South Bend Stake Conference. That
night we had dinner and stayed in Niles with Elder Heimuli and Elder
Mcleod. Oh man I love both of them it was a lot of fun.
Sunday - Sunday
morning we woke up got ready and went to Stake Conference. There were
so many people there and Randall K Bennett told us again that Thomas S
Monson wishes he were here. Some of the best days so far on my mission
:) President Cleveland, Sister Cleveland, President Chipman and Siter
Chipman (Indianapolis Temple President) and Elder Bahitshi and Randall K
Bennett were all there. Good to hear from them. We rode back to
Plymouth with Brother Timm and then we got to work. We tracted, visited
less actives, and then went to the Ogilvies for dinner. It was a very
good week:) I love you guys! Did I explain everything good?:) Ask me
anything you're wondering :)
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