Tuesday - Tuesday
we had a Conference call, got to hear from President Cleveland.
President Kelly gave us a list of people on our Ward directory that are
less active or In active so we spent some of the day on Tuesday
doing that. We went out far in the country to find 1 person and that
was a lot of fun. It was a bright blue sunny day and I love it when it's
like that and we're in the country. We went down dirt roads and right
as we pulled up to her house, our car said we had a flat tire haha but
we checked and we didn't so we were good. She didn't answer so we left a
note. After that we had lunch and then Elder Benson had to prepare some
of his talk so we went to the Library for an hour. While he prepared
his talk, I looked up talks by Apostles and read those. 1 of them was by
Howard W. Hunter and he talked about making Member Missionary Classes.
The Bishop would pick 6-8 members, almost make a team, and then a Full
Time Missionary or Ward missionary would teach the class and talk about
Doctrine from Preach my Gospel, Practice approaches and Role Plays and
then set goals on how many non- members they could get in the church
building altogether by inviting friends. After that we went and helped
Brother Timm move some things. He's moving into a new house and has a
bad back, he has like 30 rods in his back and so we helped him. He gave
us his special recipe, Ham and Scallop potato sandwiches. After that we
met Brother Harrington at Bruno's Pizza, with all 6 of the missionaries
here and had dinner. It was a lot of fun and it was our farewell to him.
We then went to the church and had a Bible study, hoping to get members
and less actives and investigators there but no one came so it was just
us missionaries.
Wednesday - Wednesday
we woke up and cleaned :) Our garbage can was overflowing and we got
our house cleaned up until lunch. We then went out finding and tracting
and visiting stop by's. As we we're stopping by people, we were in Lake
of the Woods and stopped by Lori, a miracle we found a little more then a
month ago, it was the last door we knocked on and found her, gave her a
Book of Mormon and taught Restoration, she missed an appointment the
next week, so we hadn't talked to her, so we go on Wednesday,
and her daughter answers, her daughter didn't really have a belief in
anything and Lori wasn't home so we taught her daughter the Plan of
Salvation, as we're standing on the doorstep, Lori comes driving home
and invites us in. She was so happy to see us. We taught her more, and
followed up and taught another Book of Mormon lesson to check for
understanding. It was great. She is promising. She wants to come to
church, she actually went and found it already and said "I will be
there!" and she doesn't even want our phone number, and the reason is,
is she doesn't want to be able to call and cancel. We set up an
appointment for 2 days later on Friday. Wednesday
was a very good day, we worked more and then went to the church and
Brother Timm brought us dinner there. We then went and stayed the night
at the Culver Elders apartment so we could wake up and do service the
next day.
Thursday - Thursday
was a lot of fun. We went to Dale Hartman's farm and worked all day in
the sun. I had dirt all over me. He then took us to Subway. After Subway
we went back to Culver and went on an Obedience walk. An Obedience walk
is what you do if you don't have anyone to visit, or have any plans you
need to do, so we walked and hoped to find someone walking and teach
them. We call it PC or personal contacting. It was such a nice night and
so we walked and I got some chocolate milk :)
Friday - Friday
we had district meeting. We have a very good district. There are 2
baptisms coming up. The Sisters are teaching a lady who is 80 or so,
named Anna Listenberger, she has came to church 6 times, knows our
church is true, she has a lot of kids that thought the Sister
Missionaries here and our church we're stealing her, and they were
against our church but the Sisters have done a good job and now 4 out of
the 9 kids are coming to her baptism. After District Meeting we went to
lunch. Me and Elder Benson then went to Bremen because we had an
appointment with a guy. We went and sat down in his house, he's the guy
that had a notepad of Anti Questions and then showed us an Anti Video
but we answered his questions and gave him a Book of Mormon and I dared
him to find something wrong with the Book of Mormon and we testified to
him. We then went to another appointment we had but they weren't there.
We went back to Plymouth and had dinner with the Ogilvie's that night.
We had enchiladas, after dinner Brother Ogilvie came with us to visit
investigators so the first one we went to was Lori. We drove to Lake of
the Woods and when we got there she said she didn't have time to talk,
she had a loved one pass away and we had a Plan of Salvation lesson
prepared for her. We taught her it and had a great lesson. The next
appointment we had was with Samuel. Samuel is from Ghana Africa and
Elder Benson knows a little bit of the language so he talked to him in
it, it was sweet and he knows this handshake they do in Africa. Samuel
speaks good english though and we taught him about the Book of Mormon.
Saturday - Saturday
we we're doing Area Book Work, writing records of people we're teaching
and we get a call from the Branch President asking where we are, we
were told the day before by Elder Morgan that we didn't have splits but
it was a mis-communication and so we hustled and went to Plymouth and
went on splits. I went with President Kelly and we went way far out and
visited people and then for lunch he took me to this Lake House grille
by Maxincuckee Lake. We finished around 4:30 and me and Elder Benson had to type a progress record so we hustled to Bremen to the library but it was closing in 15 minutes
and then change of plans happened and we found out we had dinner in
Plymouth so we had to drive back to Plymouth and we had pizza at the
church :) It was all around a fun day.
- WAS THE BEST DAY :) We had church, had some interesting deep doctrine
taught in Sacrament meeting that usually doesn't always happen and then
in Priesthood, their were 4 members in our class and we had another
interesting lesson. Then we got to Skype :) while me and Elder Eschler
we're waiting for the others to skype we went out and knocked doors, I
ate some dark chocolate with peanut butter, it was like Reese's. It was a
good week :) I love you guys!!!!!
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