Tuesday - Tuesday
we woke up got ready and Brother Timm picked us up. We drove all the
way down to Indianapolis to Fishers. It was fun I got to see and talk to
a bunch of people. We picked up my new companion and got all his stuff
in our car. Elder Gubler's mission is over and he was going home the
next day so I said Bye to him. Brother Timm is the nicest guy. He made
us Ham and scallop potato sandwiches and made us this whole lunch and
drives the missionaries everywhere. His car is called the missionary
mobile. On the way back from Fishers I was the Co-pilot, that's what
Brother Timm calls me. So on the way back from Fishers we drove through
all these small towns in Indiana and it was a bright sunny day it was
fun. We got back to Culver and Brother Timm dropped us off at their
apartment and we put all of Elder Benson's stuff in our car, we drive a
Jeep Compass, I'll take a picture and send it to you and we went and did
some Missionary work! We went and saw Melody, who is an investigator
and talked to her and introduced Elder Morgan to her. She was outside
working on her Chicken coop and then we went and talked to this guy that
we've talked to before, and he has read the Book of Mormon and been to
Salt Lake and he actually taught Elder Scoville that the reason the
roads are so wide in Salt Lake is because Brigham Young wanted to be
able to turn the wagons around and not back up. And we talked to him. We
then went to Bob's house and the Culver Elders were there and we talked
to Bob and introduced him to Elder Benson and talked to him and Bunny.
After that all 6 of us, me, Elder Benson, Elder Eschler and Elder Morgan
and Sister Ben and Sister Filipovic, went to the Richharts for dinner.
Sister Filipovic is the new missionary she's been out like 8 days, she's
from Vegas. So we all went to the Richharts, it was sweet we just sat
outside and talked to Brother Richhart while he boiled Syrup, he boils
gallons of it and has huge buckets full of it! We then went inside and
ate. After dinner we drove back to our apartment in Bremen and Elder
Benson got all his stuff in and planned for the next day and went to
Wednesday - On Wednesday
morning we had to drive to Plymouth and be at the church at 8 in the
morning because our Branch President asked us to because there was gonna
be a new refridgerator coming and we needed to let the guys in. We
waited for an hour and they never came so President Kelly told us to
leave. We went and helped Bob split wood for a couple hours and then he
took us to Ponderosa Steakhouse. After that we went and helped some
people from the Plymouth Library and did some service for them and
helped them move some boxes of books. After that we did some Family
History. We then went and dropped off a Book of Mormon to Tim Nemeth who
is an investigator and we tried by some other people to see if we could
do some service for them. We went to an Elderly guy named Ernest and we
helped him put a lightbulb in his driveway lights. We then met Brother
Hindsdale at the church and he took us to his house for dinner. After
that we drove back to Bremen, got ready for bed and went to bed.
Thursday - On Thursday we had a very good day. We woke up, got all ready and went out at 10:30
to do missionary work. We went to go see some people and no one really
answered. We had 2 miracles happen today. As we were knocking on a
potential investigators door, he lives in a apartment on the 2nd floor
and I was looking down at a street I'd never tracted. I just thought we
needed to tract it. We started tracting it and the 2nd house we knocked a
lady answers, she drops the phone call she's having to talk to us, we
teach her the Restoration, we invite her on a church tour for Friday, she said she's busy that day so we say Saturday and she says she's busy then too and we say "Will you come to church Sunday?"
and she says "Ya how bout I meet you there" and we gave her a Book of
Mormon which she was really excited to get. We then kept knocking doors
and a car is driving behind us and we wave and we were across the street
from his house as he pulled in the driveway. We ask him if we can give
him a card and we go give him a Hallejuhah card about Easter and start
talking to him. He just moved here from Oregon and doesn't have a
church, his brother is Lds and so we taught him the Restoration and got
his phone number and we're working with him. We got a lot of potential
investigators from tracting this street and there is so many spanish
people we've had to use our spanish sentence the 1 sentence we know "My
name is Elder Clark and we are missionaries from the Church of Jesus
Christ" except in Spanish. We then give them a spanish restoration
pamphlet and ask them to read it. This street was in Plymouth that we
tracted and these 2 promising investigators live in Plymouth and Brother
Timm is moving into a house in there same neighborhood and we're going
to have a Block party! Earlier in the day we were tracting in Bremen and
we were knocking these doors and a 91 year old guy answered and his
wife who was 87 was vacuuming and we went inside and vacummed part of
their house for them. After we sat down and taught them. We taught them
the Restoration and they didn't know what to do, they weren't very happy
that they've been wrong their whole life and they didn't want to change
but we got to help them and plant a seed. We knocked more of the street
and then went across the street and had to use our spanish some more to
talk to a spanish lady and give her a pamphlet. We then met a guy named
Patrick, he was nice, he named his kid Anakin Skywalker and was wearing
a Star Wars shirt and he listened to us and we taught him the
Restoration but he said he didn't want to have a Book of Mormon because
he didn't think his Grandma and Grandpa who had passed away, he didn't
think they'd be happy with him being Mormon, and so I said "What if
they're being taught the same thing?" We set up a return appointment and
we're going to go see him tomorrow.
We're trying to do a lot of service for people so we're going to be
doing a lot of service this week for members and non-members and try and
get the member the non-member and us in the same area and help them and
teach them the gospel :) As we were walking down this street at the
very start we saw a lady walking her dog, we walked and caught up to her
and asked if we could give her a card. This was a miracle because we
started talking and she told us her friend went to the Indianapolis
Temple when the Temple Open house was going on, and went with the
missionaries and we asked her who it was and her name is Karen Noble and
Elder Palmer had called me a week earlier asking if we were still
visiting with Karen, Elder Palmer used to be in Bremen but now he's home
from his mission and he called me to find out about her but I'd never
met her. This lady though told us Karen Noble moved so later on that day
I called Karen, she didn't answer but she called me back on Saturday
and said she had been talking to missionaries in Washington where she
moved but they stopped coming over to see her and she wants to talk to
them so we gave those missionaries a referral and we ended up teaching
this lady the Restoration. We got a lot of good work done today.We went
to the Reeds for dinner and that was fun.
Friday - Friday
we woke up, got ready, weekly planned, we went to Zone Meeting and that
was fun. We have a sweet Zone, Elder Taka, Elder T. Larson, Elder
Morgan Elder Eschler Elder Heimuli Elder Benson and me and Elder Mcleod
and 10 other missionaries. After Zone meeting we went back to Plymouth
and had lunch at this authentic mexican place that's very good that's
called Mila's and I got a steak burrito an Pineapple Aloe Vera Water it
was so good. After that we went to Tori who is the less active and went
and talked to her at her hair salon. We had a good visit with her. We
then went and saw Melody and had a very spiritual Plan of Salvation
lesson with her on her doorstep and the spirit was strong. At 5:30
we went to the Ogilvie's for dinner. We played basketball with their
little kids and Elder Eschler got them Karate chopping sticks haha and
we helped them get groceries in and it was fun. Then we had dinner and
had pulled pork sandwiches. After Dinner we went and tried by a couple
of people and talked to a guy named Bret at the gas station that I've
been talking to everytime we go in and I gave him a card. We then met up
with the Culver elders and we went back to their house for the night.
Saturday - Saturday
we woke up, got all ready and went to the Plymouth Library to look for
the Best Two Years and the Prince of Egypt because that's part of the
mission movie library of movies we can watch and we got both and then we
went to the church for Splits with the members. Me and Elder Benson
went out with Brother Mcliver and had good success. Me and Brother
Mcliver talked the whole time, I like him a lot, he reminds me of
grandpa cause he's very smart and he says Crimany. Haha I'll send a
picture with him. We met with Greg Sheaks, his wife is a member, he was
smoking when we opened the door but we invited him to Branch Conference.
The people that don't answer we leave a note on their door and tell
them we stopped by and invite them to Branch conference. We saw Sister
Sam, she's a very nice member and we also stopped by a lady named Kelly
Hill and invited her and then we went to go see a man named Tony Plotho
and we talked to his wife, and they used to go to another church but we
had a good visit with her, her husband wasn't home because he was
watching basketball but we invited her to Branch conference. After we
went on splits we went to a Fish Fry and it was the sweetest thing. It
was UNLIMITED FISH AND CHICKEN and we walked around and talked to
everyone and gave them a card and invited them to church. It was at a
fire station in a small town named Leiters Ford and we got tickets free
because the Fire Chief is in our ward. It was fun and I ate SO MUCH food
and we taught the people there. After that we went back to the Culver
Elders apartment, typed our Progress record(record of our investigators
that are progressing) and we called 1/3 of the people on our Ward roster
and invited them to Branch Conference and the other elders took 1/3 and
the sisters took 1/3 and we called everyone. After that we watched the
Best Two Years and then went to bed.
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