Funny story about this guy, So a while ago me and Elder
Scoville knocked on this guys house. No one answered and as we were
walking away, there were trucks is his driveway and I wanted to knock on
his garage. Elder Scoville said you're gonna knock on his garage? and I
said Yep and I did. He let us in, he's very nice guy, he used to have
long hair but in this picture he cut it. We taught him the Restoration
and showed him a Mormon Message that L. Tom Perry gives about the
Restoration and then we gave him a Book of Mormon. It was good to follow
that prompting. So a couple weeks later we were driving by his house
and I got another prompting and followed it and turned around and went
back to his house. We knocked on the garage and he let us in and said
"I'll give you your book back" and I said "Why, Did you read it?" and he
said "Ya it's been two weeks I read it" and I said "All of it"? and he
said "Ya" and we said "What did you think about it? he said "It's good"
and we said "Did you pray about it?" and he said "Ya, but I'm not
Mormon" and we said "Well is it true?" and he said "Well of course it''s
true" and I said "Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ by being
baptized by someone holding the Priesthood authority of God?" and he
said "No" and we said "Will you come to church on sunday?" and he said "No I gotta work on all this stuff in my shop" and so that's a guy we're working with! Haha
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