Tuesday - Tuesday we went to
Jim Smiddy's. He lives in Walkerton and has a huge farm and a barn. His
wife is a member, he is not. He is a very nice guy, he served in Wars,
and is about 60 years old. Kinda funny story about him is one time Elder
Morgan and Elder Eschler went with our Branch President, President
Kelly, to go see the Smiddy's and Jim was talking to them and swishing
Whiskey in his mouth and then spitting it out. It's because his tooth
was hurting or something but we'll get him off of that. His religion is
Mennonite, it's a break off of Amish. We cleaned out a whole part of his
barn and layed a wood floor for him! It was a lot of fun. He fed us
after and we sat outside and ate, he gave us fresh farm milk, it was
only a day old! It was delicious. After that we drove back to Bremen and
showered and got ready for dinner with the Richharts. We went to the
Richharts and had dinner, and talked to them for quite a while that
Tuesday night and it was fun.
Wednesday - Wednesday was
another service day all day. We went to the museum in Plymouth because
they called and said they needed us. We went there for about 2 hours and
what we did was make sure everything went smoothly and entertained the
kids. They were having a lot of kids come in because it was spring break
and we had to let the kids throw snow balls at our face, through this
wood cut out. After that we went out to Dale Hartman's farm and helped
him with that. We helped him clean it up and made huge piles of branches
and got roots out of the ground with his tractor. It started to rain,
and there was lightning and thunder and so we decided to stop. After
that we drove to Culver, to the Culver Elders house and showered and got
ready. Brother Timm picked us up and took us to Knox, a town that he
lives in. He fed us at his house and then he took us to his neighbor who
needed a blessing. She was going to have surgery the next day and was
nervous. We gave her a blessing and shared a message with her. I have
something neat to tell you about it in a minute :) After that Brother
Timm drove us back to the Culver Elders house and we stayed the night
Thursday - Thursday we woke up, went to this coloring
class that we go to. It's a less active that does it and we go to make
his class seem bigger, and we talk to the people there. We were
explaining our church and explaining how we have no paid ministry. This
lady said "I might become a Mormon" She is Catholic and said "Once a
Catholic always a Catholic" (Even if they're wrong) and she said "But I
might become Mormon, and be a rebel" meaning Rebel against the Catholic
church. After that we started tracting on knocking doors in Culver and
had a neat experience. So there is barely anyone in Culver right now
because it's more of a Summer vacation spot, and people from Chicago and
Indy go there and so the town will be crowded pretty soon, but not yet.
So we were knocking doors and no one was answering, but we said "We're
gonna be exactly diligent and knock every door" and that's when we
knocked into Brian Poll. It was a miracle. He looked at us though his
door and smiled and invited us right in. We started talking to him and
found out he is not a member, but he has 2 uncles who are Mormon and
they live in Provo, and he was just in Provo with one of them. Brian
goes to Grace United Church, because he has friends that go there, and
his kids have friends that go there but we taught him the Restoration
and he said we can come back :) It was a great fun day of tracting and
we talked to this lady, she was walking her dogs and we stopped her and
started to teach her and got into a disagreement because she believes in
the Trinity. Haha that was fun. It started to pour raining, and we went
back to Culvers house and started to Weekly Plan. As we were Weekly
Planning, Thunder shook our house so hard, a plate fell of the counter
and shattered. We had to stop for a second and wondered if it was an
earthquake. It was sweet. We then went to dinner at the Mclivers and
that was great :) We had a long discussion with him about interesting
things about the Book of Mormon and the gospel, he reminds me of Grandpa
Friday - Friday we had District Meeting and I gave a
training, Elder Morgan asked me to do it on Health, and getting enough
sleep and rest, and that was fun. I committed them all to do 1 healthy
things a day, So go on a run for 30 minutes, eat 3 fruits, drink apple
cider vinegar haha, drink 8 glasses of water, drink a gallon of water,
drink cranberry juice, and we have to do 1 of those things every day.
And then we're going to have a smoothie day. After District meeting we
had lunch and then me and Elder Morgan went to tract Bremen. Elder
Morgan came with me for exchanges. We had a lot of success. We talked to
a guy who was into Notre Dame recruiting and was one of the reporters,
and dad told me a couple weeks ago about a Notre Dame tight end who
transferred and that helped a lot because then I could talk to this guy
about it. We taught him and got a return appointment. It was a great day
of work. We met a person named Jessica and taught her the Restoration
and then challenged her to be baptized, and she said she'll think about
it and so we said pray to know :) So hopefully she does because the
answer will be yes. We worked all day and then at night we went to
Sister Padilla's to help her. Her husband is in jail and she's having
all kinds of problems and so we talked to her and did her dishes for
Saturday - Saturday I fasted for General Conference.
President Cleveland committed the mission to fast before April 3 to have
an increase in Faith and to find a prepared family. We went to the
church and watched General Conference :) It was great and I ended my
fast in between sessions and the Hindsdales fed us. We went and did
Family History in between sessions too. At 6 o clock we had coordination
meeting with the Branch President and then we ate again before
Priesthood. It was a great day I loved it.
Sunday - Sunday we
woke up, got ready showered ate and I did work in the Area Book. The
Area Book is one of Recorded Books of Heaven, that's what Elder Morgan
says. It has all the former investigators, progressing investigators,
potential investigators, it has a lot of things we need to know in it
and so I just updated it. Then we went to the church for General
Conference. In between the sessions the Hindsdales fed us again and we
went out tracting and had a great 45 minute tracting session. We taught 3
people! After General Conference we went to Lake of the Woods and
"blitzed" it with the other Elders. I had deja vu and we found someone
who is prepared :) We taught her the Restoration and Book of Mormon, and
gave her a Book of Mormon and she took Elder Benson's daily planner and
wrote her number in it so we can call her to come teach her again :) It
was a sunny day, and we were right outside a lake knocking houses, and
we found this lady. It was sweet. After that we went back to our
apartment in Bremen and ate dinner and that was our day :) Today we're
going to play basketball with President Cleveland! It's called March
Madness Clinic and we're going to South Bend to play basketball with him
and two zones will be there and Elder Heimuli is cutting my hair. I
love you guys so much!!!!!
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